Pecha Kucha Night, February 24, 2012

Mark Baratelli, creator and producer of The Food Truck Bazaar, will be speaking about JUST that exact topic at Pecha Kucha Feb. 24, 2012, 7pm, at The Orange Studio on Mills Ave in the Mills50 District. If you want to learn even MORE about the Orlando food truck scene, attend this on March 20th. There are eight speakers total, each with a different topic. But don't worry: each person only gets FIVE minutes to talk, so the night will be over and done in one hour, give or take a pre- and post- social hour with cash bar. Admission is five dollars at the door cash only. 

The speakers:
Patrick Greene, ReThinking the City
Derek Orth, Off the Grid
Amy Selikoff, Lessons from the 7th Grade
Orrett Davis, Startup Weekend Orlando
Ken Montano, The Art To Always Being You
Danny Page, An Adventure in Pictures
J. Travis Johnson, Creating the Next Great City
Mark Baratelli, The Food Truck Bazaar

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