By Ken Storey
Local food critic Scott Joseph was one of five local celebrities, all the others being local chefs, who recently participated in Second Harvest's Food Stamp Challenge. Participants had $6.67 to spend on food for an entire day, the equivalent to the amount a person that receives food stamps has for each day.
Scott Joseph lays out his meal plan that included healthy while still be reasonably priced items. He concludes with saying;
"I did not go to bed hungry. But I knew that the following day I would be having three
-- three! -- full restaurant meals. But now I’ll look at those
“professional” meals differently, knowing that the day after that,
things could be quite different."
Also participating in the event was Kevin Fonzo of K restaurant, Marco Colon and Ed Colleran of Universal Studios, Jamie McFadden, Cuisiniers, and Hari and Jenneffer Pulapaka of Cress.
The Pulapaka took the challenge for an entire week and even included gas in their expenses. Over on their restaurant website they lay out the experience of living on food stamps for a whole week. The honest looking shows how a food stamp budget not only limits what type of food you can enjoy but also the lack of social life that comes with such a budget.
You can check out all the experiences and meal plans over at Second Harvest's Food Stamp Challenge site.