City Hall Food Truck | Menu of City Services Feeds Citizens of Boston

Bring to Orlando:

Inspired by food trucks' ability to go from neighborhood to neighborhood, the City of Boston created City Hall To Go. This bright and friendly mobile truck complete with twitter account (@CityHallToGowill visit Boston’s neighborhoods throughout the year and offer a select menu of city services directly to constituents. The truck may also be a feature at special events, block parties and street festivals, and provide seasonal services as resident needs shift throughout the year. 

How awesome is this? 

If Orlando had one, it coud visit The Food Truck Bazaar each month.

For most Boston residents, City Hall, Citizens Connect and are and will remain the frontline of city service. But for some, travelling downtown to City Hall can be a long way to go. Boston is, after all, a city that stretches across nearly fifty square miles. Still, many people want or need a personal interaction to get direct services, ask a question or get information, so the City of Boston is taking City Hall to them.

Staff will be connecting with residents and gathering input on the types of services Bostonians want the truck to offer. If you have ideas for the City Hall To Go truck, take their survey

The City Hall To Go truck design was inspired by Boston’s diverse neighborhoods. The map encircling the truck takes a viewer from west to east, along actual city streets, while the skyline celebrates Boston’s thriving urban center. 

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