Mayor Jacobs Calls For Sheriff's Deputies at all County Elementary Schools

By Ken Storey

In the wake of the elementary school tragedy last week Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs is calling for resource officers at all elementary schools within unincorporated Orange county, 60 in all, for the rest of the 2012-2013 school year. Currently only middle and high schools have officers on campus five days a week while the elementary schools share officers, usually with one on campus one day a week at each elementary school.  Resource officers are sworn Sheriff's deputies.  

The cost of the extra patrols for the rest of the school year is estimated at between $2million and $3million.  The officers would be in place for the school year.  “This action will allow time for Orange County Public Schools, Orange County Government and the State Legislature to evaluate additional security enhancements that may be added at area schools,” Jacobs said. 

Orange County Public Schools has also released this guide on how to talk to your child about violence. on Facebook on Pinterest on twitter on Instagram