Newspapers Should Think Like E-Commerce Companies Says Lure's Matt Sokoloff

Orlando's Matt Sokoloff recently finished a fellowship at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute and has released his new solution to newspapers getting subscriptions online: Lure

The idea is for newspapers to think of themselves as an e-commerce company and start acting like one by acquiring paid readership online. 

“When you’re an e-commerce company you have to start acting like one,” he said.

In addition to the 30 minute pitch above, you can read a post about Lure:
"Sokoloff said newspapers are much like e-commerce companies when their main source of revenue comes from selling a product online. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of revenues typically ends up in a newspapers’ online marketing campaign, he said. Companies such as Netflix, Pandora and Hulu spend about 25 percent of their revenue on marketing and customer acquisition." on Facebook on Pinterest on twitter on Instagram