30 Guerrilla Gardners, Graphic Novelists, Composers, Fashion Designers, Tactical Urbanists and Psychogeographers Will Ride a Different LYNX Bus Route in November and Create Art Based on the Experience

David Moran, who has been an integral part of The Corridor Project, is one of many participants in a 30 day event called Transit Interpretation Project

Moran will get on a LYNX bus the night before Halloween Night and ride from the UCF area to the Parliament House. He plans on walking back home after the bar closes. He says Google Maps says the walk home is 4 hours and 17 minutes long. The next day he will pass the 30 day Lynx pass to Hannah Plate who will take the 313 towards Winter Park. 

Everyday in November artists, writers, urban planners, guerrilla gardners, graphic novelists, composers, fashion designers, tactical urbanists, psychogeographers and others will take the Lynx pass riding at least one route that a previous person has not taken. 

The participants have 30 days after they ride to give us something that we can post on the blog. It can be glimpse of a work in progress or a complete work.