SunRail Fact Sheet

Phase I
• DeBary/Fort Florida Road in Volusia County to Sand Lake Road in Orange County
• 32 miles; 12 stations
• Anticipated opening – 2014

Phase II

• Sand Lake Road in Orange County to Poinciana in Osceola County and north to DeLand Amtrak station in Volusia County
• 29 miles; 5 stations
• Anticipated opening – 2016

Funding (Capital)

• Anticipated capital costs approximately $615 million (Approximately $10 million per mile, one of least expensive new starts projects in the country on a per mile basis)

  • Split 50% federal; 25% state; 25% local
  • Five local funding partners (Volusia, Seminole, Orange and Osceola counties, and city of
  • Orlando) unanimously approved funding commitments in Summer of 2007
  • Full Funding Grant Agreement for half of SunRail’s Phase I capital costs ($178.6 million) awarded in July 2011

Funding (Operations and Maintenance)
• FDOT to pay for Operations and Maintenance for first seven years of operation• Local funding partners to pay Operations and Maintenance year 8 and beyond (unanimous approval in 2007)


• Peak service every 30 minutes – 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
• Off-peak service every two hours Ridership

  • Opening year for Phase I expected to be approximately 4,300 passenger trips per day
  • Full build in 2030 expected to generate 14,500 trips per day
  • SunRail is expected to carry as many passengers as one lane of I-4 during peak travel times
• Significant travel time savings expected during peak periods (travel time from Lake Mary to downtown Orlando is less than 30 minutes)
• Uses existing track corridor; infrastructure is upgraded for smoother ride and increased safety
• Encourages transit-oriented development, reducing urban sprawl and protecting environment
• Establishes spine of a regional rail network that can be expanded statewide
• Returns to Florida 20 cents of every dollar motorists now pay in federal gas taxes for transit projects –money now used to build transit systems elsewhere in the nation
• Allows businesses, research and education centers to tap into geographically broader talent pool

Vehicle Information:

• Locomotives – Motive Power Inc. (Boise, Idaho)

  • 10 locomotives (7 for Phase 1 and 3 for Phase 2)
  • Contract value: $24 million
  • 1st Locomotive arrives in September
• Coaches/Cab Cars – Bombardier (Plattsburgh, NY)

  • 20 passenger cars (14 for Phase 1 and 6 for Phase 2)
  • Contract value: $56 million
  • 1st Cab Car arrived July 30, 2013
The State of Florida Department of Transportation ordered 20 BOMBARDIER* 
BiLevel* rail cars for the Central Florida Commuter Rail Transit Project (“SunRail”) that will provide service to Orange, Seminole, Volusia and Osceola counties and the city of
Orlando beginning in the spring of 2014.

The 20 SunRail cars are part of the nearly 1,200 BiLevel cars in service at or on order with transit authorities in 14 cities across the United States and Canada. The BiLevel car is a service-proven transit solution that provides unparalleled reliability and cost efficiency, along with one of the shortest delivery schedules in the industry. BiLevel cars offer the
cost advantages of a common platform, while allowing customers to build-in features that meet specific needs and requirements.Passenger amenities on the BiLevel cars in service at SunRail will include comfortable seats, worktables, power outlets, bicycle racks, wheelchair lifts, wheelchair spaces and accessible restrooms.
The BiLevel car is designed to maximize passenger capacity and operating savings. Bombardier’s BiLevel technology offers 70 percent more passenger area than single-level rail cars with a similar length and up to 30 percent savings in operating costs.