LynxSR50 Project Study Won't Include Mills50 Without Your Help

The LynxSR50 project is designed to connect all of SR 50, The Creative Village, UCF, the redeveloped Fashion Square Mall and make these areas more pedestrian friendly, connected and vibrant. Right now Mills 50 District between I-4 and Bumby is the ONLY area on SR 50 proposed NOT to receive investment. Take 5 minutes to fill out the survey, click under the proposed alignment page and write in the comments box that the Mills 50 area needs to be studied further so that the area can be properly considered.

About: The SR50 / UCF Connector Alternatives Analysis will provide a clear understanding of the transportation issues facing the State Road 50 corridor from UCF to the western Orange County line, propose alternative solutions to address these issues, and analyze the cost, benefit and impact of each alternative. The study will result in a locally recommended set of transportation improvements to be advanced for further review.