Get Sloshed on Sunrail: January Conductor Crawl - Church St to Winter Park + Back

January 9th Conductor Crawl

Join us Friday, January 9th from 6p - 10p as we start the night at Ceviche's and then make our way to Winter Park to have a few at Luma's expansive bar. We'll cruise back downtown and the evening at Native.

There's no fee to participate, but to ride SunRail - it will cost $3.75 round trip. We recommend that you purchase your tickets BEFORE YOU ARRIVE at Ceviche (Time is money and money is fun).

We will be leaving for Winter Park at 6:55p. We will have Orlando Conductor Crawl hosts letting everyone know throughout the evening when/where we're leaving or relocating

TRAIN BACK LEAVES WINTER PARK AT 8:36p!!! Please be sure you're on it, or else you'll be taking a cab back home.

We will be riding THE LAST TRAIN OF THE EVENING coming back Downtown from Winter Park. So unless you feel like paying for a cab ride back to Church Street - I suggest you keep an ear out for the whistles we'll have to let everyone know when to close your tabs and when we're leaving the bar to go to the next one and/or the train station.

Looking forward to seeing you all Friday, January 9th