The next Orlando Soup event, the only community microgranting dinner in town, is Tuesday, January 20th 5-7pm at 3201 Corrine Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. Tickets are $7 and available here.
About: Our next SOUP event will be held at East End Market, and for a donation of $7, attendees receive soup (made by Slow Food Orlando using fresh, local ingredients), salad and bread. Before dinner is served, everyone will listen to four short community project proposals covering a range of community improvement topics such as art, urban agriculture, social justice, social entrepreneurship, education, technology, and more. During dinner, attendees cast a vote for their favorite project and, at the end of the night, the project that receives the most votes is funded by $5 from each attendees' donation. The winner will appear at the next SOUP dinner to report their project's progress.