Rally to Save Giant Oaks at Privately-Owned Rented-By-the-City Constitution Green Park Set for Saturday
The privately-owned but rented-by-the-city "Constitution Green" at 300 S Summerlin Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801 is about to be given back by its owners, the Caruso family, so they can sell it to a developer.
There's a rally called "Save the Live Oaks at Constitution Green Rally and Picnic" in the park Saturday March 21, 4-6pm. Bring your friends, family, signs, chairs, blankets, coolers etc. Eric Rollings & other speakers will be there to provide updates and a call to action. Attendees are asked to meet by the giant live oak.
This wouldn't be an issue except that a 100 year old tree, listed on the map of "significant" trees, along with other massive oaks, resides there.
Efforts to reach a compromise to save the trees by Commissioner Sheehan have been rejected by the Caruso family.
Some locals are furious about the thought of losing all these trees to make way for condos and are asking for signatures on a petition. The petition asks that the city either purchase the land or come to an agreement with the Caruso family who own the land currently.
Orange County Soil and Water Supervisor Eric Rollings feels it would be a good use as a dog park like the new Park of the Americas near the Executive Airport. "Lake Eola will be like I-4 of parks giving all of us dog lovers only one option to walk our dogs or have an area to enjoy a beautiful afternoon."
Orange County Soil and Water Supervisor Eric Rollings feels it would be a good use as a dog park like the new Park of the Americas near the Executive Airport. "Lake Eola will be like I-4 of parks giving all of us dog lovers only one option to walk our dogs or have an area to enjoy a beautiful afternoon."
There's a rally called "Save the Live Oaks at Constitution Green Rally and Picnic" in the park Saturday March 21, 4-6pm. Bring your friends, family, signs, chairs, blankets, coolers etc. Eric Rollings & other speakers will be there to provide updates and a call to action. Attendees are asked to meet by the giant live oak.