College Park Duplex Developer May Side-Step Zoning to Double Their Money

These homes technically are two separate homes, but both are the same design just flipped with minimal variances. If they were stuck together they'd be a duplex. Both will be placed on a 100 ft wide lot side by side at 520 Stetson Street (MAP) if the Municipal Planning Board signs off on it. 

How can this happen? The lot isn't zoned for duplexes. But this isn't a duplex. It's two houses... technically. By cutting the lot in half and separating the two homes, the developer still achieves his desired financial effect (two houses sold on one lot) but doesn't break any laws.

We've reached out to the City to get the Municipal Planning Board's decision. 

Property history:
  1. 1929: Property platted as two (2) 50 ft. wide lots as part of the College Park Subdivision
  2. 1951: Existing 2038 sq. ft. single-family home with attached single car garage constructed
  3. 10/2015: Property acquired by current owner.