Duplex Boom - How the Duplex Shat Up Downtown Orlando

Remember when we shared that story about Wonus and his duplexes crapping up the Milk District? This meeting is about projects like that which are known as infill. The title of the next Rethinking the City public talk and meetup is "The Great Infill Debate." It takes place Tuesday, October 25th, 6:30pm at the Juice Bike Share headquarters, 515 West Central Blvd. Free admission.
Join Elisabeth Dang and Terrence Miller, planners for the City of Orlando, for a discussion of how duplexes became the focal point for redevelopment in Orlando's downtown neighborhoods. They will cover the history of duplexes in Orlando, the economics behind the redevelopment trend, and the ability of urban design tools to blend the new with the old.
Related Stories: 
  1. City's Duplex Design to be Altered
  2. Milk District Duplexes Defended by Wonus 
  3. College Park Duplex Developer May Side-Step Zoning to Double Their Money
  4. The Milk District to be the New Thornton Park aka #wonustown

What is Rethinking the City? Rethinking the City is dedicated to building a dialogue within our community and with changemakers around the world about the forces that shape cities and how we can participate in positive change in our own city through arts, engagement, service, and enterprise.
Upcoming Events: 
  • Oct 18 - USGBC CFL GREENworking Happy Hour (register)
  • Oct 20 - Robinson Street Corridor Daytime Workshop (flyer)
  • Oct 20 - Orange County Regional Affordable Housing Summit 2016
  • Oct 21 - PechaKucha Night Orlando at DPC
  • Oct 25 - Rethinking the City: The Great Infill Debate (details above)
  • Oct 26 - 3rd Virginia / Lake Highland Community Meeting (details) 
  • Oct 29 - APGD Song Bird Sanctuary Kick Off (Facebook) - October, 29th
  • Nov 2 - Bikes Vs. Cars screening at Winter Park Village - (buy tickets by Oct 25)
  • Nov 10 - UCF Distinguished Lecture Series: Partnerships in Planning for Community and Technology
  • Nov 18-20 - Florida Tiny House Festival -  Elkton, FL