Sugar Factory: Stop Sale on Lettuce and More Found During State Inspection

Sugar Factory (Website) at 8371 International Drive had an inspection on 11/2 and, based on that inspection, a follow up inspection is required. Below were the issues found.

Violation  Observation
24-06-4  Basic - Clean dishes stored in a dirty container.Dishwashing area. **Warning**
14-09-4  Basic - Cutting board has cut marks and is no longer cleanable throughout the establishment. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
12B-02-4  Basic - Employee drinking in a food preparation area. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
13-07-4  Basic - Employee wearing jewelry other than a plain ring on their hands/arms while preparing food. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
13-03-4  Basic - Employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation. **Warning**
36-41-4  Basic - Fan cover in walk-in cooler has accumulation of dust or debris. **Warning**
36-71-4  Basic - Floor drain is heavily soiled at the bar area. **Warning**
08B-38-4  Basic - Food stored on floor.Oil and waffle batter on floor in kitchen. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
36-31-4  Basic - Holes in wall at back line area and ceiling by back electrical area. **Warning**
10-08-4  Basic - Ice scoop handle in contact with ice. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
10-18-4  Basic - In-use utensil stored in sanitizer between uses. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
22-19-4  Basic - Interior of microwave soiled with encrusted food debris.Cooks line. **Warning**
31B-04-4  Basic - No handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees.Servers station. **Warning**
16-46-4  Basic - Old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
25-05-4  Basic - Single-service articles improperly stored.Cups at the ice cream station. **Warning**
25-09-4  Basic - Single-service items for customer self-service not properly protected to prevent contamination.Platters at ice cream station. **Warning**
08B-13-4  Basic - Stored food not covered in dry storage area.Chocolate. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
08B-17-4  Basic - Unwashed cucumber stored over lettuce in walk in cooler. **Warning**
23-10-4  Basic - Walk-in cooler gaskets soiled with slimy/mold-like build-up. **Warning**
29-17-4  Basic - Waste line missing at soda gun holster.Service area and bar area. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
42-01-4  Basic - Wet mop not stored in a manner to allow the mop to dry. **Warning**
21-38-4  Basic - Wiping cloth sanitizing solution stored on the floor. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
41-02-4  High Priority - Cleaner stored next to oil in dry storage area. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
12A-07-4  High Priority - Employee failed to wash hands before putting on gloves to work with food. **Warning**
03D-06-4  High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) ,lettuce at ambient temperature not cooled to 41 degrees Fahrenheit within 4 hours.Lettuce at reach in cooler.Stop Sale. **Warning**
03A-02-4  High Priority - Potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit.Turkey,45 held more than fours.Stop Sale . **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
08A-07-4  High Priority - Raw animal food not properly separated from ready-to-eat food.Raw shell eggs stored next to butter in walk in cooler. **Warning**
01B-02-4  High Priority - Stop Sale issued on potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food due to temperature abuse. **Warning**
22-57-4  High Priority - Thermotape failed to turn black to indicate the sanitization temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit was achieved on the dish surface. Discontinue use of dishmachine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dishmachine is repaired. **Repeat Violation** **Admin Complaint**
35A-07-4  High Priority - Three small flying insects at the kitchen area. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
01B-01-4  High Priority - Two dented cans of tomato paste at the dry storage area. **Warning**
22-63-4  Intermediate - Accumulation of substance on drink nozzle. **Warning**
02C-03-4  Intermediate - Commercially processed ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous (time/temperature control for safety) food opened and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening.Bleu cheese in walk in cooler. **Warning**
22-05-4  Intermediate - Cutting board(s) stained/soiled throughout the establishment. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
22-22-4  Intermediate - Encrusted material on can opener blade. **Warning**
22-27-4  Intermediate - Food-contact surfaces encrusted with grease and/or soil deposits.Crepe maker. **Warning**
31A-02-4  Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use due to being blocked by garbage can. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
31A-03-4  Intermediate - Handwash sink not accessible for employee use due to items stored in the sink.Mug in handwashing sink. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
53A-05-5  Intermediate - No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
31B-02-4  Intermediate - No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink.Cooks line. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**
31B-03-4  Intermediate - No soap provided at handwash sink.Cooks line. **Corrected On-Site** **Warning**
53B-13-5  Intermediate - Proof of required state approved employee training not available for some employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Warning**
22-07-4  Intermediate - Slicer blade guard soiled with old food debris. **Repeat Violation** **Warning**