We told you in December about the desire for Creative Village to create its own Creative Village Development Review Committee (CVDRC) to expedite discretionary permits within the area of the Creative Village Planned Development. City Council will have a first reading of this new Land Development Code amendment on January 23rd.
Read the Ordinance and the Amendment here
The ordinance states the following:
Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
Similar to processes in place for the Southeast Orlando Sector Plan and Baldwin Park, the City has detailed regulations from the previous approvals that will guide its development. The Municipal Planning Board says this expedited process is warranted and will ensure the timely completion of the entitlement process to match needed construction, financing and infrastructure schedules.
This code amendment was recommended for approval by the Municipal Planning Board at its October 2016 meeting; the minutes of which were subsequently accepted by the City Council on November 14, 2016. MPB's recommended action is approval on first reading. They recommend that the Mayor and City Clerk present the draft ordinance for second reading and public hearing at the next available City Council meeting.
The CVDRC will consist of the following and may provide for other officers as it deems appropriate:
This code amendment was recommended for approval by the Municipal Planning Board at its October 2016 meeting; the minutes of which were subsequently accepted by the City Council on November 14, 2016. MPB's recommended action is approval on first reading. They recommend that the Mayor and City Clerk present the draft ordinance for second reading and public hearing at the next available City Council meeting.
The CVDRC will consist of the following and may provide for other officers as it deems appropriate:
- City planning official
- Director of the City’s Transportation Department
- Director of the City’s Public Works Department
- Executive Director of the City’s Community Redevelopment Agency
- Member of the City’s Appearance Review Board. (The member of the Appearance Review Board shall be selected by the Appearance Review Board.)
The ordinance states the following:
- The establishment of the CVDRC will create sufficient betterment to the community to justify the City Council’s delegation of a portion of its authority; and
- The CVDRC is a better option than any other board, public or private, already in existence that could serve the same purpose; and
- The costs, both direct and indirect, of establishing and maintaining the board do not offset its potential benefit; and
- The CVDRC is not likely necessary to enable the City to obtain state of federal grants or other financing; and
- The CVDRC is not likely necessary in order to comply with state or federal legislation; and
- The CVDRC shall not have bonding authority; and
- The CVDRC shall not have final authority to enter into contracts and spend City funds; and
- The creation of the CVDRC is the best method of achieving the benefit desired.
Subject Matter Jurisdiction:
- Major certificate of appearance approval as provided by Part 4F, Chapter 65 of this code.
- Minor certificate of appearance approval when the applicant seeks reconsideration of a denial or approval with conditions by the appearance review official as provided by section 65.513 of this code.
- Specific parcel master plan as required by the Creative Village planned development zoning ordinance.
- Conditional use permit as provided by Part 2D, Chapter 65 of this code.
- Zoning variances (including design variances) as provided by Part 2J, Chapter 65 of this code.
- Major subdivision plat as provided by Part 3D, Chapter 65 of this code.
- Abandonments of streets and rights-of-way as provided by Part 4E, Chapter 65 of this code.
- Master plan (including without limitation plans for public improvements) as required by the Creative Village planned development zoning ordinance.
- Street name change as provided by Part 4I, Chapter 65 of this code.
- Any other land development order required by the Creative Village planned development zoning ordinance.