Downtown Gardening Program Gets $25K Boost

Cities of Service, Inc. (Website), founded by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, will award a grant to the City's Orlando Cares: The Garden Program (Website) in the amount of $25,000 to support the continuation of this volunteering initiative, which began in 2011. This funding recognizes Orlando's commitment to engaging volunteer mentors with elementary-age youth in this 10-week program that helps participants learn how to grow healthy food in container gardens, hydroponic systems and raised beds, while promoting healthy lifestyles.

The grant funds in the amount of $25,000 will be dedicated to the materials and costs required for The Garden program initiative.

This 10-week program includes hosting Guest Speakers to lead exploration in various gardening, nutrition, and agricultural topics, field trips into the community, and hands-on activities that reinforce the ideas presented. The program has three major hands-on components: personal herb container gardens, a teamwork effort to maintain an outdoor garden plot, and exploration into indoor hydroponic gardening. Partnership has been developed with Orange County 4-H to develop important life skills for future success. This is a youth crime reduction effort, which engages youth during afterschool hours.

Cities of Service is an independent, nonpartisan organization with over 215 cities in the US and UK, representing nearly 55 million people in 45 states, and more than 10 million people in the UK.