Hurricane Irma Essential Links

13 Essential Hurricane Irma Links
The team at The Daily City is scared. You may be scared. We all may be scared. That's why we chose the above image instead of one showing empty shelves, people waiting in long lines or a satellite image of the actual hurricane. It's just too much to handle. We want to think positive. We will help each other and we will get through this.
  1. Shelters
  2. Sandbag Locations
  3. Flood Zones
  4. Ways to Prepare
  5. Volunteer Opportunities 
  6. Orlando Sentinel's Live Stream
  7. Free Garages to Park Your Car
  8. Free Storage Spaces from UHaul Storage 
  9. Free AirBNB Stays in These Counties
  10. Free Places to Get Wifi
  11. Orange County Evacuation Routes
  12. Restaurants Closing
  13. Events Canceled
  14. Theatre Shows Canceled
  15. Twitter Account to Follow - Hurricane Tracker App