Orlando Opinions Podcast
Episode 27
City Council approved a growth management plan amendment for the 2.73 acre property at 1100 W. Colonial which will change the Future Land Use and zoning to convert the existing building into a mixed use retail/office project by LAM Civil Engineering. The property includes a former Pontiac dealership and a large parking lot at the corner of OBT and Colonial. According Quang Lam, Principal at LAM Civil Engineering, the current tenant, Ultimate Auto Boutique, is anticipated to relocate Spring 2018. Once they’re out, the changes will begin. Phase 1 will include re-striping the existing concrete parking lot and adding landscaping. Phase 2 will include build-outs by the tenants as the tenants begin occupying the building. --- This is a shoddy use of such a major piece of property at such a major intersection. I want an apartment building with parking garage with street-level retail. I want that Wendys property sold to Starbucks. I like a good liquor store like the next person, but come on… There’s no reason to continue to pretend this section of OBT doesn’t have the potential to become a charming place to live and shop.
We told you December 9th that street level retail was coming to the Central Business District of downtown Orlando the the building at 20 N. Orange Ave. A portion of the building that faces Wall Street will receive a new retail canopy, new glass storefront doors, stucco repair, and exterior lighting. The company is also interested in improving the stlandscaping. Improvements will include brick paver installation and refurbishment, landscaping, irrigation, and new and relocated pedestrian lights. Thanks to the City of Orlando Streetscape Cost Sharing Program, they’ll receive a partial reimbursement of up to 155,374.07. This program is how Ace Cafe is getting reimbursed $174,100.84. Locals need to know that the City PAYS companies to make improvements to their buildings. Why does the City need to bribe companies to improve life for locals. Perhaps the City should give them a SOUL rather than money and make them take some responsibility themselves for making the city in which they operate better.
You can rent your couch to strangers now Orlando! City Council voted 6 to 1 to allow short-term rentals on a limited basis within all residential zoning districts. This means AirBNB for tourists! Srew you overpriced hotels! Home owners can rent out their "room, sofa or mother-in-law suites" for less than 30 days… so long as (1) the property owner or tenant is present when hosting guests, (2) the homeowner or tenant can only rent to a single party at a time, (3) the renting activity must be an accessory use to the primary residential use of the home, and (4) a majority of bedrooms on the site cannot be rented out as a short term rental. The homeowner or tentnat must register with the City and pay an annual fee and pay all sales and tourist development taxes for the home sharing use. I like putting competition out there for hotels. They don’t deserve to hog the game and charge too much to families: that’s the theme parks’ jobs HEEEEEYYYYY!