Alexan at North End Wants to Abandon Cornell Ave for 310 Apartments and a Parking Garage

We told you in 2016 that Calvary Assembly submitted a PD amendment to accommodate future development on their property at 1199 Clay St. (MAP) for multi-family, hotel, senior assisted living and independent senior living. 

Calvary Assembly is now requesting the City abandon a 100 ft. long portion of Cornell Ave. located within the existing Calvary Assembly of God property. This development consists of 5.93 acres within project areas 3 and 4 of the Calvary Church parking area. Improvements will consist of a 310-unit multifamily apartment complex called Alexan at North End with an associated parking garage and pool/courtyard area.).

The Future Land Use Classification is Public Recreational Institutional and the Zoning District is going from Public Benefit Use to Planned Development.

The townhouses