Broadway-Bound First Wives Club has a what?

Broadway-bound musical First Wives Club has a social network. Yes, like myspace and facebook, but called First Wives World.
"First Wives World is a place for women to find divorce support through social networking, forums, discussions, groups, top -notch resources, relevant news and entertainment."
Broadway producer Ken Davenport describes it in marketing terms:
If you look closely, you'll notice that there isn't even any branding for the musical at this stage. They are taking the slow, safe, and smart approach (KP Hat Trick). Musicals take a long time to be developed. Smart producers use that time to do more than work on the 2nd scene in Act II.

Use that time. It's never too early to identify your target. That doesn't mean you have to attack them right away. Just sit back, watch their moves, learn their habits, and when the time is right . . . bada-bing! You'll have a marriage made in marketing heaven with no possibility of divorce.