Mobile Art Show | hanging

I am taking all day today to hang Mobile Art Show, which is tomorrow. The truck is not as hot as I thought it'd be. I am taking a coffee break at Barnes & Noble, enjoying their new FREE wifi and overpriced iced coffee. Why do these places charge MORE because their coffee has ice in it?

At 4pm I am meeting with the dude who made Barf Hand to collect a new piece from him made from the giant car wreck book I bought a couple weeks ago.

Then after that I am meeting with and one final artist. I commissioned her to make ten original pieces just for this show. So, these ten pieces she made (screenprinting on paper) are not available anywhere else. Exclooosive! Woo woo.

If you like Outsider art, follow @thedailycity on twitter Wednesday and come to the truck to say hey.

The beginings