I think the coverage and reporting, the categorizing and organizing, the recommending and judging of this city.. cultural observation... will become huge and hugely important in the next five years, to citizens and businesses both here and those thinking about relocating here. Whether that takes the form of the printed newspaper or an unpaid writer's blog is irrelevant. Here's why I think the above will become huge:
People in Orlando want to feel like they live some place special, and a cultural observer can do that. People who love to point out the fabulous in this city, AND PRESENT IT IN A FABULOUS MANNER, are going to change peoples' outlook on this city from whatever it is to something more positive. We're going to move the arrow closer to awesome in their minds. We're going to be a part of what makes them feel like they're in a relevant, important, sophisticated city. And that makes them feel GOOD. When you make people feel good about their decision to live here, visit here or run their business here, only good can come from that.
This is a service hyper-local cultural observation can provide.
And I do not mean lie and blow smoke up this town's collective bootie. I am not going to sit here and tell you Winter park is the Beverly Hills of Orlando. And no one does, or should, or will. What I mean is, I point out to you that you have a delicious hidden treat in Dickson Azalea Park, in the the crepe cart, in the taco trucks and you begin to grasp that "Yes, the town I live in IS awesome!" (I am not saying I am the sole proprietor of this ability or task. I am just saying I am one little voice in a sea of people who do this.)
And to me honestly, this IS a cosmo town. Have you been to Bold Hype? Stardust? The Milk District? Enough said.
This town is one of the top destinations
They come for the fabulous theme parks. And they are fabulous. Kissimmee, I-Drive, the Sand Turkey District... these are are wonderful places making these tourists happy and putting a nice smiley shine on our city. And, a percentage of those tourists will want to know where the best local coffee shops are. Or the best farmers market. Or the best record shop. That is where we, the people who pay attention to this stuff, can come in and help guide them to the TRULY relevant spots in Orlando.
We're essentially an undercover branch of the City of Orlando marketing team and they should get with us so we can help them help the tourists, which will ultimately help the city.
Orlando's hyper-local cultural observation community is nascent (I learned that word from Elizabeth Maupin on August 28, 2009), but soon enough, we'll have one. I am no expert on or cataloguer of these observers. I do hope my blog gets to be a part of it. Even a small part.