Direct from the Florida Bicycle Association "Florida Pedestrian Law Enforcement Guide" (provided by Bikes Beans & Bordeaux in Audubon Park) comes two illustrations for you cyclists out there. They show the correct position for your bike riding safety and pleasure in both a narrow lane and in a shareable lane.
Correct position in a narrow lane
Correct position in a shareable lane
And guess where it does not say the correct position is for you to be: the sidewalk. Please (a) put on a helmet, (b) ride on the road and (c) leave the sidewalk for the walkers.
Whats happening is, while I am walking on a sidewalk, cyclists out of nowhere zoom by within inches me, without slowing and only sometimes offering an "On your left" that comes out as a whimpering mumbling mutter I barely hear seconds before they pass me.
Yeah its probably terrifying for you and your wife to ride on the road, so close to zooming autos, but please know its also slightly fear-inducing what you're doing to (some) pedestrians.
Please consider learning the rules of the road as a cyclist, getting yourself used to riding on the roads and leave the sidewalks safe for the walkers.
Am I alone on this? Are any other walkers experiencing this? Cyclists, why are you not riding on the road?
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