Digital Marketing Bistro: Analytics

The next Digital Marketing Bistro, put on by Digital Marketing Revolution is Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 6pm at the Sonesta Hotel Orlando Downtown (60 South Ivanhoe Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32804).

"If you’ve spent time and treasure creating content, placing PPC ads, Emailing, Tweeting, and Facebooking, it only makes sense to stop and find out “How we doin’?” Yet this step is surprisingly overlooked by novices and professionals alike.

It’s been famously said “I know half my advertising is being wasted, I just don’t know which half.” And while this may have been true in Henry Ford’s day, in Digital Marketing, it’s not true at all.

Your website’s content management system will register how many hits each article gets and Google Analytics will validate this; your Email software will give open rates, AdWords will provide ultra-detailed performance stats; HootSuite will track click-throughs; and Facebook will offer you some insights as well.

When you put all this data together, you should start to see what’s working and what’s not. And you might be surprised what’s working. Google Analytics may show some traffic from keywords you didn’t even know existed on your site. Icontact may reveal that people actually read your emails (always a surprise to me). And HootSuite may tell you that no matter how may times you’re re-tweeted, no one is actually following your links.

At the September 2, 2010 Digital Marketing Bistro, we’ll look more in depth into these analytics, and talk about some of the recent developments in social media as we enjoy sliders and drink beer (you can drink wine, if you prefer).

Bring a laptop or your smart phone if you like. Be prepared to tweet with our #DMBistro tag. Or follow the conversation on Twitter if you can't be there."