Last month, got 1.2 million+ page views. In addition, it experienced a $4 million gross revenue on tourism e-commerce from roughly 8,500 tourism product bookings. Tourists can book hotel rooms, get deals on local merchandise and attraction tickets and get general information about navigating the city.
The thing was created in 2013.
The thing was created in 2013.
Businesses can pay $10/month to be listed on the site. You get a "microsite" with custom URL to showcase photos, printable coupon offers, products, reviews, social media activity, maps, and detailed information such as contact information, descriptions and other relevant details based on specific business category.
The owners expect that businesses will get a boost in search engine optimization and exposure to a larger pool of prospective customers.
Below is the microsite for our signature event, The Food Truck Bazaar. View it here.
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