Downtown South Getting New Mixed Use Retail, School and Medical Complex

South Orange Medical Complex, a three-story, 21,500 sq. ft. medical office with mixed use retail and school, will be coming to Downtown South if the requests submitted to the City of Orlando by Burkett Engineering (Website) to amend future land use designations go through. 

The complex will sit on a 1.2 acre property south of W Harding St, west of S Orange Ave, and north of W Muriel St. (MAP).

The amendments include
  1. Change from Residential Medium Intensity (RES-MED) to Mixed Use Corridor (MUC-MED)
  2. Amend Subarea Policy S.12.1 to exclude subject property
  3. Intensity bonus up 1.0 FAR (see ZON2016-00010). 
Interesting Note: Burkett Engineering, among many other projects, provided the civil engineering services for The Holy Land Experience including master plan revisions, preparation and processing for approval through the City of Orlando, stormwater management system modifications, and various site-related improvements associated with revisions and additions to the facilities. 

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