How much of Parramore Does the City Own?

How much of Parramore does the City of Orlando own? We went to the City with that exact question.  Below are the answers. 
  1. Residential: The City owns 50 vacant residential lots in Parramore. They're listed below or you can view them Here and Here. The City is required to inventory all the vacant lots it owns within the City that are appropriate for potential use as affordable housing every 3 years per Florida Statutes, Section 166.0451. The most recent count April 10, 2017. The City owns 59 vacant lots that are appropriate for potential use as affordable housing (View the Complete List) with 50 of those being in Parramore. 
  2. Commercial: According to City of Orlando Records Specialist Lesley Smith, the City "does not have records of all City owned property in Parramore."  The Daily City has reached out to the City for clarification on this statement. 

The 50 Parramore Residential properties owned by the City: 

Below are two of the 50 lots before and after demolition of the residential structure.