By Mark Baratelli
- "Yoga in the Dark”, Lake Eola Park, Sat. 3/24/18.
- “Ven a Comer Mexican Food Festival”, Gaston Edwards Park, Sat. 3/24/18. Alcohol served, food trucks, amplified sound on stage bet. 1:30pm & 6:00pm. Street closure: Orange Av. in front of park (SB lane).
- “Arab Fest”, Lake Eola Park, Sun. 3/25/18. Amplified sound on stage bet. 12:00pm & 7:00pm. Street closure: Rosalind Av. (one lane) bet. Washington St. & Robinson St. (pending approval from Traffic Engineering).
- “Blankets and Baskets Jazz & RnB Festival, L. Claudia Allen Park, Sun. 3/25/18. Alcohol served, amplified sound on stage bet. 2:00pm & 7:00pm.
- “The Big Bounce America”, Bill Frederick Park at Turkey Lake, Fri-Sat, 3/30-4/1/18. Food trucks, amplified sound bet. 1:00pm & 7:00pm. "Orlando Fire Museum Easter Egg Hunt", Orlando Loch Haven Cultural Park, Sat. 3/31/18
- “College Park Neighborhood Association Annual Easter Egg Hunt”, Albert Park, Sat. 3/31/18.
- “Easter Sunrise Service”, Lake Baldwin Park, Sun. 4/1/18. Amplified sound bet. 8:00am & 9:00am.
- Winter Park Wine & Dine, Winter Park Farmers’ Market, March 21
- “Orlando Sound Bites”, Lake Eola Park, Sat. 4/7/18. Alcohol served, food trucks, amplified sound on stage bet. 5:00pm & 10:00pm. Street closure: E. Washington St. bet. Eola Dr. and dead-end, Central Blvd. bet. Eola Drive & Lake Av.
- “OCBA Law Day 5K”, Harbor Park and surrounding area, Sat. 4/7/18. Amplified sound bet. 8:00am & 10:00am. Street closure: New Broad St. bet. Lake Baldwin Ln. & Chatfield Pl., Chatfield Pl. bet. New Broad St. & Lakemont Av., Lakemont Av. bet. Chatfield & Harbor Park. OPD to hold traffic along the route as necessary.
- “TPD Classic Car Show”, Eola Dr. bet. Central Blvd. & Church St., Sat. 4/7/18. Amplified sound bet. 12:00pm & 3:00pm. Street closure: Eola Dr. bet. Central Blvd. & Church St.
- 7th Annual Kidsfest, Audubon Park Garden District Main Strip, Sat Apr 28
- “Spring Fiesta in the Park”, Lake Eola Park, Sat/Sun., 4/7-4/8/18. Alcohol served. Food trucks, amplified sound bet. 10:00am & 5:00pm. Street closure: Robinson St. bet. Summerlin Av. & Rosalind Av., Eola Dr. bet. Robinson St. & E. Washington St.
- “IOA Corporate 5K”, Lake Eola Park and surrounding area, Thur. 4/12/18. Alcohol served, amplified sound on stage bet. 6:30pm & 10:00pm. Street closure: E. Central Blvd. bet. Eola Dr. & Bumby Av., Bumby Av. bet. E. Central Blvd. & E. Robinson St., E. Robinson St. bet. Bumby Av. & N. Rosalind Av., N. Rosalind Av. bet. E. Robinson St. & E. Central Blvd. OPD to hold traffic along the route as necessary.
- Sideline Wine & Dine, Camping World Stadium, 7pm April 6
- “Beard in Baldwin”, New Broad St. bet. Jake St. & Prospect Av., Harbor Park, Sat. 4/14/18. Alcohol served. Amplified sound on stage bet. 6:00pm & 10:00pm. Street closure: New Broad St. bet. Jake St. & Prospect Av.
- “CFNL Lone Sailor/Wounded Warrior 5K”, Blue Jacket Park, Sat. 4/14/18. Amplified sound on stage bet. 6:00am & 10:00am. Street closure: Robin Rd. at Upper Park Rd, Lakemont Av. at Upper Park Rd. OPD to hold traffic along the route as necessary.
- “Charly Reynolds’ EP Album Release Party”, Lake Eola Park, Sat. 4/14/18. Amplified sound on stage bet. 7:00pm & 9:30pm.
- Central Florida Earth Day 2018!, Lake Eola Park, April 21
- “Earth Day Fair”, City Hall Plaza, 400 S. Orange Av., Fri. 4/20/18. Amplified sound bet. 11:00am & 1:00pm.
- Orlando Real Estate & Home Expo, April 21 10am-4pm, I-Drive NASCAR
- “Great Strides Orlando”, Harbor Park, Sat. 4/21/18. Food trucks. Amplified sound bet. 8:00am & 11:00am.
- Movie Night at Leu April 6th, Harry P. Leu Gardens