Advertise with The Daily City is an award-winning curated city + culture guide to Orlando read mostly by educated young women. Its helps newly transplanted residents find the interesting pockets of the city and leads long-time locals to the new and notable. Its become a media resource for local television and newspapers as well: many of our subjects end up on local television and in local newspapers later. Contact us about marketing partnerships.

58% female
61% 21-34
100% attended some college
100% are local to Orlando.

21,000 January 2011
26,000 February 2011
44,00 March 2011
34,000 April 2011

Twitter & Facebook
1,900 fans on Facebook

Our Awards
Top 3 Blogs (Orlando Sentinel)

Best Blog (Orlando Weekly)
Top 3 Websites (Orlando Weekly)
Top 3 Blogs (Orlando Magazine)
Top 3 Arts Advocates: Editor Mark Baratelli (Orlando Weekly)
Best of Orlando Critics Pick: Mobile Art Show (Orlando Weekly)

Best Blog in Orlando (Orlando Weekly)
Best Arts Blog (Orlando Sentinel)
Top Three Blogs in Orlando (Orlando Sentinel)

Sponsored Series: A month-long series with one post per week, tied to a theme which highlights the sponsor. $200/week. Four week minimum.

Sponsored Post: (See an example) One blog post featuring content provided by the advertiser. Story or contest. Contest runs for 7 days maximum. $200.

Video Post: (See examples) Our Editor, a professional actor and comedy improv performer, visits your business and causes mayhem (ie: a fun, viral video folks will want to watch). Professionally filmed and edited by an outside company. $1,000

Site Takeover:Your brand or product overtakes The Daily City. Branding on Header, background, ad in sidebar. 400/week. No minimum.

Clickable Ad on Every New Post: For one week, your coupon appears on every post put out that week. $500/week. No minimum.

Twitter and Facebook Support: Our 2,700 Twitter followers and 1,700 Facebook fans will be notified two times per week of your sponsored post or video post listed above. Or if you want us to let them know about another link, we can do that, too. $100/week

Live Event Sponsorship
Orlando Food Truck Bazaar
The 2,500-person crowd at the first one and the bigger crowd at the second one would have loved to seen your products + flyers, sat in your car or test-driven your scooter. Don't miss sponsoring the next one. The audience demo is 50% 21-34 years old, 25% 35-44 years old, 51% female and 85% had some college. This event happens occasionally and admission is free. Contact for prices

Orlando Improv Festival
Hundreds of comedy lovers attended the September 2010 festival. Be the official airline, hotel or rental car of the festival. Splash your logo on all promo material. Have a table at the festival handing out samples and coupons. Get creative and pitch us ideas. This event happens once a year. Tickets and All Access Passes vary in price. Contact for prices

Audience Choice Awards
30,000 theatre lovers attend the Orlando Fringe Festival each year. We don't produce that! We produce the awards these theatre lovers vote on throughout the festival which are handed out in front of a live audience the last night of the festival. Sponsor an award. (There are 30!) Get your logo on the voting ballet page, our signage at the festival and the awards ceremony. Contact for prices

Mobile Art Show
An off-the-grid downtown art show inside a UHaul as part of a monthly gallery walk put on by the Downtown Arts District. Put your logos on our posters, printed material, the side of the UHaul. Pitch us ideas! Contact for prices

Live Appearances
Editor Mark Baratelli wants to attend your event. Better yet, he wants to host it, take pictures of it and blog about it. Can he come? Contact him for prices and learn about what he's all about.