Monthly tech & booze meetup called Technically... We're Drinking

There's a new monthly happy-hour called "Technically, We're Drinking" to help Orlando professionals utilize the latest industry standard practices of doing absolutely nothing. Leading Orlando experts may or may not be in attendance to fulfill absolutely no commitments to attendees. "Technically, We're Drinking" is purely an excuse for working professionals to get together, catch up, and consume mid-week appropriate amounts of alcohol, generally 2-5 glasses depending on where you work. All are welcome to this first Wednesday of every month tweetup. We have no sponsors, no event planners, no fancy name badges, no agenda, just a simple desire to mix some socialization with some inebriation. First Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at Monkey Bar (26 Wall Street, Orlando, FL). Free admission, bring anyone you like. This is being put on by Anthony Richardson (@WebFugitive on twitter) and Adam Wiggall (@TurnAndFace on twitter). Use the HashTag #Odrink on twitter.