Orlando Theatre Poster Archive

It was John Baker's idea to begin the Orlando Theatre Community Potluck dinners and now he's got another grand idea already in motion: the Orlando Theatre Poster Archive. For now its on Facebook, but who knows what it can become over the years?

"I’d like this to become a living, breathing archive of Orlando shows, displayed through the production posters. It is also an opportunity for locals to visit the group and post comments on each poster, talking about seeing the show, memories from the show and perhaps their own involvement in the show."

This is a fantastic idea. Think of all those awesome (and horrid!) show posters hung at the Orlando Fringe Festival over the years. Kudos to John and his amazing brain-head for another useful, sensible, valuable idea that will see its value grow over the years. More! More!

Photos: Orlando Theatre Community Potluck
October 2008
April 2010
August 2010